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Mac Os X Unix Manual

marememi1977 2020. 12. 6. 09:17

Oct 22, 2008  Mac OS X 10.5 for Intel-based Macs has received UNIX 03 certification so it's about as UNIX as things get nowadays. (10.5 on PPC systems should also pass were Apple to apply for certification, but doubtless they just aren't interested in going to. Dec 21, 2005  Beneath Mac OS® X's stunning graphical user interface (GUI) is the most powerful operating system ever created: UNIX®. With unmatched clarity and insight, this book explains UNIX for the Mac OS X user–giving you total control over your system, so you can get more done, faster.

Knitro is supported on Linux (64-bit),Mac OS X (64-bit x86_64 on Mac OS X 10.8 or higher).

The Knitro software package for Unix is delivered as a gzippedtar file, or as a zip file on Mac OS X.Save this file in a fresh subdirectory on your system.To unpack a gzipped tar file, type the commands:

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Unpacking will create a directory named knitro-12.0.0-z.Contents of the full product distribution are the following:

  • INSTALL:A file containing installation instructions.
  • LICENSE_KNITRO:A file containing the Knitro license agreement.
  • README:A file with instructions on how to get started using Knitro.
  • Knitro_12_0_ReleaseNotes:A file containing release notes.
  • get_machine_ID:An executable that identifies the machine ID,required for obtaining a Artelys license file.
  • doc:A directory containing Knitro documentation, including this manual.
  • include:A directory containing the Knitro header file knitro.h.
  • lib:A directory containing the Knitro library files:libknitro.a and libknitro.so (libknitro.dylib on Mac OS X),as well as any other libraries that can be used with Knitro.
  • examples:A directory containing examples of how to use the Knitro API indifferent programming languages (C, C++, Fortran, Java,Python, R).The examples/C directory contains the most extensive set(see examples/C/README.txt for details).
  • knitroampl:A directory containing knitroampl (the Knitro solverfor AMPL), instructions, and an example model for testing Knitrowith AMPL.
  • knitromatlab:A folder containing the files needed to use the Knitro solverfor MATLAB, example models, and the instructions and explanation file README.

To activate Knitro for your computer you will need a valid Artelyslicense file. If you purchased a floating network license, then refer tothe Artelys License Manager User’s Manual.For a stand-alone license, execute get_machine_ID, a programsupplied with the distribution.This will generate a machine ID (five pairs of hexadecimal digits).

If purchased through Artelys, you may request your license key from yourArtelys customer area at https://www.artelys.com/en/homeusing your machine ID (please contact info-knitro@artelys.comif you have anyissue with your customer area). If Knitro was purchased through adistributor, then email the machine ID to your local distributor.Artelys (or your local distributor) will then send a license file containingthe encrypted license textstring. The Artelys license manager supports a variety of waysto install licenses. The simplestprocedure is to copy each license into your HOME directory.The license file name may be changed, but must begin with the characters artelys_lic(use lower-case letters).If this does not work, try creating a new environment variablecalled ARTELYS_LICENSE and set it to the folder holding your license file(s).See information on setting environment variables below and refer to theArtelys License Manager User’s Manual for more installation details.

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Setting environment variables

In order to run Knitro binary or executable files from anywhere on yourUnix computer, as well as load dynamic, shared libraries (i.e. “.so” or “.dylib” files)used by Knitro at runtime, it is necessary to make sure that severalenvironment variables are set properly on your machine.

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In particular, you must update the PATH environment variableso that it indicates the location of the knitroampl directory (orwhichever directory contains the knitroampl executable file).You must also update the LD_LIBRARY_PATH(DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH on Mac OS X)environment variable so that it indicates the location of the Knitrolib directory (containing the Knitro provided “.so” or “.dylib” shared libraries).

Setting the PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH(DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH on Mac OS X)environment variables on Unix systems can be done as follows. In the instructionsbelow, replace <file_absolute_path> with the full path to the directorycontaining the Knitro binary file (e.g. the knitroampl directory), and replace<file_absolute_library_path> with the full path to the directorycontaining the Knitro shared object library (e.g. the Knitro lib directory). https://burnforless.weebly.com/artificial-academy-download-windows-10.html.


Mac Os X Unix

If you run a Unix bash shell, then type:

If you run a Unix csh or tcsh shell, then type:

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If you run a Unix bash shell, then type:

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If you run a Unix csh or tcsh shell, then type:

Note that the value of the environment variable is only valid in the shell inwhich it was defined. Moreover, if a particular environment variable points to more thanone directory that contains a binary or dynamic library of the same name, the one thatwill be chosen is the one whose directory appears first in the environment variable definition.

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If you are using Knitro with AMPL, you should also make sure the directorycontaining the AMPL executable file ampl is added to thePATH environment variable (as well as the directory containing theknitroampl executable file as described above).Additionally, if you are using an external third party runtime librarywith Knitro such as your own Basic Linear Algebra Subroutine (BLAS)libraries (see user options blasoption and blasoptionlib),or a Linear Programming (LP) solver library (see user optionlpsolver), then you will also need to addthe directories containing these libraries to theLD_LIBRARY_PATH (DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH on Mac OS X)environment variable.

If you are setting the ARTELYS_LICENSE environment variable to activateyour license, then follow the instructions above tocreate a new environment variable called ARTELYS_LICENSE and give itthe value of the directory containing your Artelys license file (specify thewhole path to this directory).For more installation options and general troubleshooting,read the Artelys License Manager User’s Manual.

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Knitro for MATLAB

Mac Os X Unix Manual Free

To use Knitro with MATLAB, you may need to add the Knitro/MATLAB interface files to your MATLAB path.Assuming the default installation folders were used and the KNITRODIR environment variable contains the pathto the Knitro installation directory,the MATLAB path can be updated with the following commands in MATLAB:

Alternatively, if the environment variable is not set properly, you can update theMATLAB path by calling addpath() with the full path to the Knitro/MATLAB interface files, such as: